Breaking News - North Creek Forest is saved!
We are thrilled to share that Bothell’s City Council has recently approved a Purchase & Sale Agreement on the last privately owned parcel of North Creek Forest! This purchase completes the goal of protecting all 64 acres of North Creek Forest! Many thanks to everyone who has been a part of this truly grassroots effort – your endorsements, volunteer hours and contributions have all helped protect a piece of the wild in Bothell! Read the City of Bothell Press Release Here
What's next? Six years ago when we embarked on this undertaking, Friends of North Creek Forest made a promise to the City of Bothell to continue partnering after the entire forest was saved. And while the purchase of the final parcel is a tremendous achievement, the work is not done. In fact, in many ways, the most exciting part lies ahead!
What's next? Six years ago when we embarked on this undertaking, Friends of North Creek Forest made a promise to the City of Bothell to continue partnering after the entire forest was saved. And while the purchase of the final parcel is a tremendous achievement, the work is not done. In fact, in many ways, the most exciting part lies ahead!
North Creek Forest is a 64-acre mature forest in Bothell, conveniently located just outside downtown Bothell and within walking distance of nearly 10,000 college students attending UW-Bothell and Cascadia College. It meets the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife’s definition of priority habitat and lies within 12 miles of every school in the Northshore School District.
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North Creek ForestThe forest has nine wetlands and seven streams that filter water and protect habitat for endangered salmon living nearby. It is home to over 100 plant species, and a diverse array of wildlife. The forest provides inspiration for art, science and literature across all generations. It is soon to become a Bothell City Park.
Friends of North Creek ForestFriends of North Creek Forest provides forest education and outreach: hundreds of school children visit the Forest each year. FNCF engages the community: over 500 volunteers contribute 4000 hours/year. FNCF also restores forest edges and maintains the quality interior habitat and provides opportunities for college students working towards careers in environmental science, education and policy.
Acquisition StatusWe have saved 56 acres of this forest and have secured funding necessary to purchase the remaining 8 acres. We have eleven purchase grants so far for a total of almost $2.8M; three Land and Water grants which will offer purchased lands protection equal to Yellowstone National Park. Our acquisition should be complete in early 2017. As of October 2016, 2 more parcels, totaling over 13 acres are city-owned. Only one 8 acre parcel left to be purchased!
To maintain and improve the ecological function of North Creek Forest
through Education, Stewardship and Conservation in perpetuity.
To maintain and improve the ecological function of North Creek Forest
through Education, Stewardship and Conservation in perpetuity.
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