If our first work party is any indication - we have another strong team and we look forward to seeing the restoration progress through the winter and spring. Read on for more info and many more photos.
Every restoration site with new plantings requires three seasons of watering after to give the plants a strong start. Anyone who has helped with watering during the dry months knows how time consuming this important job can be. The cost of water is also significant. Last summer the City of Bothell made hydrant water available to us, which would be a significant cost savings, but the hydrant can only be operated by Friends staff members. With very limited staff time, and generous volunteers lined up to water at times convenient to their schedules, we were not able to make use of the hydrant for watering. We would like to install a water tank that staff could fill from the hydrant, and then volunteers could water from. Ideally this tank could feed into a drip irrigation system that would allow for easier and more efficient watering, but the design of a system like this was beyond our current capacity. So when the UW-B Office of Community Based Learning and Research (CBLR) asked us if we had any projects that a team of senior Mechanical Engineering students could work on, we jumped at the opportunity!
March 2020