YMCA! (and some other cool things) ![]() These trees are threatened by English ivy. Wildlife habitat is being destroyed. The Northshore YMCA has a weekly Teens Summer Camp. It includes a day of community service every week. We are pleased the Y chose North Creek Forest. Every week this summer an army of teenagers descends on the forest to reverse the damage done by invasive plants. While the interior of the forest is pristine, wildlife habitat is being threatened by invasive plants on the forest margins. A short distance away from the ivy patch it looks completely different. Where they work on ivy, only one species is present. Here YMCA volunteers found up to 15 different plant species under a stretched out string only 5 meters long! If you were a forest critter where would you want to live?
A few more pics of our first two weeks... THANK YOU YMCA SUMMER CAMP VOLUNTEERS! SEVEN WEEKS TO GO.... SOME OTHER COOL THINGS.... THINGS EVERYONE CAN DO TO HELP ![]() AMAZON SMILE Shop local when you can. But when you shop at Amazon we receive .5% of every qualified purchase you make. Go HERE to help us! FRED MEYER / QFC Again, we receive a quarterly payment based upon your purchases. Go HERE to help us! Hundreds of volunteers are involved in the effort to save this amazing forest. Future generations will be befit from every hour you give. For this we are grateful. ------------------------- PS This note has been added the morning after this article was published. Sorry that I can't typically help you guys out in the field. I have linked you to my Rewards card, so you will now get a portion of my purchases! I know you all do great work. Keep it up. Sincerely, David R Irons Jr www.flickr.com/photos/fresnatic/ We have never met David. On line we saw a photo of the State Capitol Building we wanted to use and he gave us permission in the Spril 2011 by email. He endorsed us (see Endorsement Page) has been following the forest ever since. This is the kind of community it takes. Thank you David! We are grateful for grants from the Tulalip Tribes and the Rose Foundation, Puget Sound Mitigation Fund, a grantmaking fund created by the Puget Soundkeeper Alliance.
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March 2020